Programs Used : Maya, Arnold, Zbrush, Nuke

While working at Ignition Creative as Technical Director, me and a good friend, Michael Penny, were tasked to lead this project which involved creating an entirely CG "Church of Daredevil" with everything being modeled in Maya, and detailed in Zbrush. In order to make the Scene manageable we developed a workflow that involved Exporting Multi-Map UV textures, and projecting Hi-Res Sculpting onto the lower-res, decimated Geometry. I helped by writing scripts to overcome some of the challenges associated with the UDIM workflow and by modelling, sculpting, lighting, texturing, and rendering using Zbrush and the Arnold render engine plugin for Maya. Ultimately we managed to execute a pretty incredible CG church with an unbelievable amount of detail, some of which was never fully revealed in the final piece.